Get lost in the wonderful world of NumBots with our series of exciting, motivating, and uplifting audio stories.

Each story incorporates a different growth mindset which children can apply to maths, as well as all areas of learning and life. The stories feature four of the much-loved NumBots characters, where they embark on exciting adventures, learning valuable life lessons along the way. The aim is simply to develop children’s confidence and resilience, a common barrier to children succeeding at maths.


Kitty and the Camera

A story about teamwork and the importance of asking for help.
Magical objects are always appearing in the scrapheap. But when KittyBot finds something mysterious, she faces a problem and she needs her friends’ help…

Listen now on any of the platforms below:


Ninja and the Dance Show

A story about taking risks and overcoming fears.
When the entries for the Scrapheap’s dance show open, NinjaBot is desperate to sign up. Will he overcome his fear and perform in front of his friends?

Listen now on any of the platforms below:


Ninja and the Dance Show

A story about taking risks and overcoming fears.
When the entries for the Scrapheap’s dance show open, NinjaBot is desperate to sign up. Will he overcome his fear and perform in front of his friends?

Listen now on any of the platforms below:


Unicorn and the Big Race

A story about the importance of practising little and often.
The biggest race in the scrapheap is taking place and UnicornBot wants to do the best she can…but with strong competition, she needs to find a way to practise…

Listen now on any of the platforms below:


Swallowfield Primary School is LOVING NumBots Scrapheap Stories.

See their reactions to “Kitty and the Camera”…


How to experience the NumBots Scrapheap Stories with your pupils…


Listen with your class

Gather your pupils and play one of the magical stories during registration, carpet time, or to prompt conversations about growth mindsets.


Start a conversation

At the end of each story, Rusty asks three short questions to encourage your pupils to reflect on the story’s message.


Continue the fun

Each story has a free creative activity for your pupils to enjoy. Use the download buttons above to print out the activity sheet.


Why audio stories?

Bruno Reddy, CEO & Founder

Bruno Reddy, CEO and Founder, explains:

“At Maths Circle, our core purpose is to make children feel confident with maths.

As an ex-teacher, I know that when you tap into a child’s imagination, amazing things can happen, however I also know that a barrier to this can be a lack of confidence in their own ability.

That’s why we’ve created these free audio stories and accompanying activities, all centred around the theme of growth mindset and resilience, to inspire confidence not just in maths, but in all areas of development.”