Times Tables Rock Stars was invented by maths teacher, Bruno Reddy, in his Year 7 classroom, to improve his pupils’ times tables recall speed and overall confidence in maths.
Times Tables Rock Stars was invented by maths teacher, Bruno Reddy, in his Year 7 classroom, to improve his pupils’ times tables recall speed and overall confidence in maths.
Since 2013, ttrockstars.com has been adopted by thousands of primary, secondary, special, hospital, alternative provision and all-through schools, in the UK and around the world. By engaging children in regular daily practice, Times Tables Rock Stars has helped millions of learners master their times tables and division facts, providing them with an essential building block, so that they continue to progress and achieve in maths going forward.
Since receiving repeated requests from parents and teachers, calling for a “Number Bonds version of TTRS”, the Maths Circle team has been developing NumBots – a sister product to Times Tables Rock Stars, focusing on improving children’s understanding and automaticity of key number facts. Using techniques learned from TTRS to engage children in regular maths practice, NumBots will lead children from subitising through to subtracting, securing the core skills they require to succeed at maths in the future.