To the best of our knowledge, having sought legal advice, performed several audits and followed technical recommendations, we are compliant with UK GDPR and the ICO Age Appropriate Design Code. In order to remain so, we will continually monitor changes in legislation and make amendments, should we need to, in light of these.
Your data is safe with Maths Circle Ltd.
We have prepared answers to the questions our schools and families are asking us and you can download them as a pdf by clicking this button:
Typically schools, tutors and families provide us with the following information:
School Subscriptions
Family & Tutor Subscriptions
For more anonymity, "Bot Names" are can be displayed in place of real names on school leaderboards and class charts and teachers and could even shorten names to initials or substitute them for codes. To us, real names aren't critical but you'll probably find it easier to manage accounts the more identifiable your users are to you.
Teachers can choose to save additional information on each child but this is entirely optional and is not required to use NumBots. This optional information could include a child's date of birth, gender, ethnicity, SEN / Gifted and Talented / FSM / Pupil Premium status, whether or not they're Looked After, or details of any languages spoken at home (so that we can provide you with better impact reporting options).
NumBots has been designed with the best interests of the child in mind, to support and encourage children to achieve better maths outcomes. Privacy settings are set high by default and all data collection is limited by default. NumBots does not contain geo-location services, advertisements, in-app purchases or chat/messaging functions. We have a child friendly privacy notice to help children understand what we do with their data (see link to Privacy Notices below).
Data Retention - You have the "right to be forgotten". You can permanently delete your data at any time. Pupil data is automatically deleted by us 90 days after a subscription or trial account expires and the school, family or tutor does not subsequently renew.
Data Storage - Our data is stored on secure servers in Europe. Data is encrypted in transit and at rest and our team uses secure passwords and keys to keep your data safe.
Sharing Data - We may have a need in the future to share your data but it would be in extremely limited scenarios and strictly in accordance with our Privacy Notice. We promise never to sell your data.
Credit Card Details - We do not store your card details. All credit and debit card payments are handled by Stripe.
Marketing Preferences - You can opt out of receiving our newsletter emails if you wish, however they do provide information about new features, school maths competitions and how to get the best out of the programmes.
A cookie is a little piece of information handed to a web browser from a web server that contains information that can be retrieved from the server later. When you visit our NumBots website the server may attach a cookie to your computer’s memory. We use cookies only to remember what language is set, which school last logged into the machine and the session cookie for knowing who is logged in. You should be able to configure your browser so that it disables cookies.
Call: +44 1234 674 123
Email: [email protected]