20 May Rusty’s Friends – May
Posted at 09:34h
in Rusty's Friends
Welcome to Rusty’s Friends! This is a space specifically designed to showcase all of your achievements, drawings, photographs, and anything fun you want to share!
See what Rusty’s friends have been up to this month:
George is only 4 years old and has completed Chrome – his third stage in a week! On top of that, he’s collected his 50 days completion badge! Way to go George!
Some amazing costumes were on show at Halling Primary School! We’re fans of this robo-tastic effort!
A massive celebratory high five goes to superstar Ethan (Year 2, Ogbourne C of E Primary School). He is the first in his school to complete NumBots! His teacher says he is already inspiring his classmates to persevere – what a champion!
Beech Class at Fairfield First School love starting their computing lessons with NumBots!
…after working hard to earn their coins, Beech Class then head to the Custom Shack to customise their bot!