3 Top Tips for Mental Health Awareness Week

Ahead of Mental Health Awareness Week, which starts on the 15th May, we’ve put together three top tips on how to create a more enjoyable playing experience on NumBots.

1. Hide the Timer in Challenge Mode

The timer in Challenge mode can be distracting for some children, or it can even make them feel tense…which is exactly what we don’t want children to feel when they’re playing NumBots!

To reduce those uneasy feelings caused by the timer, you can remove it by simply clicking on the timer icon itself. Or head to Settings (the small orange cog) and toggle the ‘Show Timer’ to the left.

2. Allow More Time to Pass Story Mode

Did you know? On all types of account, you can change the game settings to increase the time allowance to pass a level. This allows children to focus on their answers rather than the time.

To find out how this is done, please read the article below:

3. Check out our Audio Stories

No matter how you’re feeling, or what situation you’re in, taking time out to listen to a story can help you to relax and focus your mind on something else. Listen to our NumBots Scrapheap Stories, our series of uplifting and motivating audio stories. Each tale presents different growth mindsets and positive values.

You can listen on all the main streaming services, including: Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, Audible, and YouTube.