8 Ways you can use our Scrapheap Stories in School

Have you heard of our growth mindset audio stories, the NumBots Scrapheap Stories?

Well now you have! We created a series of free audio stories promoting growth mindsets, so when you hear a child say ‘I can’t do it’ you can tell them ‘If FlamingoBot can, you can!’ The full seven stories are available for free on YouTube – so anyone and everyone can enjoy them anywhere!

Find out more below:

The stories can be enjoyed together as a whole class (or school) via YouTube, or if your class have access to individual headphones and tablets, you can set them up to listen on any main streaming platform. Whilst they are listening, they can enjoy the accompanying creative activity.🎨✂✏

Now you’re caught up on the what and the why’s, let’s start on the when’s! Here are eight ways to use the NumBots Scrapheap Stories during school:

1. Registration

Each story is 10 to 15 minutes in length making them perfect for registration or form time. What better way to start the day than an uplifting, motivational story?! 🌟

Best way to listen: YouTube

2. Wet play

☔ The bad news is, it’s raining outside…but the good news is, you can still bring some sunshine into your classroom! ☀️

This is the perfect opportunity to enjoy the creative worksheets!

Best way to listen: YouTube

3. PSHE or Values lessons

The stories promote values similar to those that you might teach at school: respect, perseverance, teamwork, resilience as well as others.

The aim of the stories is to give children a takeaway that can help them develop positive mindsets for learning and for life! They provide children with reference points to turn to in their own lives when they face a challenge. That’s why they are the perfect PSHE teaching tool!

Best way to listen: YouTube or Spotify (with headphones)

4. Once the class has finished their NumBots practice

Does your class have a tendency to finish their NumBots or maths practice quickly? If you’ve got 10 minutes to spare at the end of the lesson, reward your students with a 10 minute growth mindset story.

Best way to listen: Spotify (with headphones)

5. Storytelling lessons

NumBots may provide core maths skills, but the NumBots Scrapheap Stories can act as a literacy tool. Audio stories have been found to improve reading fluency in children, as well as helping them develop emotional skills. We’ve also provided the transcripts for each story so students can learn to read alongside the narration.

Helpful articles:
EdSurge: Breaking Barriers to Literacy: Using Audiobooks to Overcome Reading Challenges

National Literacy Trust: We release research review on the benefits of audiobooks on literacy

Best way to listen: YouTube or Spotify (with headphones)

6. Golden Time

Do you run dedicated sessions during the week to reward good behaviour? What better way than to reward them with an uplifting, motivating robot-themed story?🤖

Best way to listen: YouTube or Spotify (with headphones)

7. Assemblies

If you promote values in assemblies then listening to one of our stories is a fun and engaging way to demonstrate growth mindsets and positive attitudes to children. Each story is approximately 10 to 15 minutes long. 🎥

Best way to listen: YouTube

8. As homework

Set your students some mindfulness for homework! The stories can be easily access at home via YouTube.

Best way to listen: YouTube

Bruno Reddy, CEO:

At Maths Circle, our core purpose is to make children feel confident with maths.
As a parent and ex-teacher, I know that when you tap into a child’s imagination, amazing things can happen. I also know that sadly, a barrier to this can be a lack of confidence in their own ability.
That’s why we’ve created NumBots Audio Stories and accompanying activities, all centred around the theme of growth mindset and resilience, to inspire confidence - not just in maths, but in all areas of development.

Select a story to enjoy!👇